The Right to Work

Today September 4, 1961 I am before the window-panes contemplating what happens on the street.

I see in front of my house some poor unhappy mothers of the town, sitting on the living ground, the sacred land of their parents.

On the floor there are various food products, fruits, vegetables, nutritious roots and beautiful flowers that embalm the atmosphere with their delicious fragrance. Some beautiful half-naked children play around you, making you happy about their poor mothers rather than worried that they must be trying to sell these products of the land to their neighbors.

These poor women need to feed their little ones. These sorry fellows need to dress their half-naked children, and for that reason are at work right in the middle of the street. They are in complete exercise of a right: The right to work.

Something happens all of a sudden between the turmoil of neighbors, women selling products, and the gladdening children playing.

A car has stopped and a man dressed elegantly descends threatening on these sorry fellows and defenceless little mothers, and terrorized they pick up vegetables, fruits and flowers to flee terrified before the elegant gentleman that rebukes them, as he insults and humiliates them enthusiastically. Children cling onto their skirts of their poor little mothers, and next everything is deserted as if in that place nothing had happened. The wicked gentleman satisfied of his manhood gets inside his car and he speeds away along the roads of the city.

The poor mothers were lucky to escape this time, because in other occasions this elegant gentleman did not have scruples of any type and the peculiar ethics of his character were reinforced upon the people… he destroyed everything, and stripping the sorry fellows of whatever they sold he was going away always happy, like the bird of prey after catching prey between their sinister claws.

This man acts on the Government’s behalf, he is a officer and all sorry fellows shudder with fear at him.

In all the countries of America we have gazed upon just about the same tragedy, the village children do not have right to work if they do not achieve the luck of finding money to get a job on the market. Governments do not forgive the sorry fellow of the common people the crime of being poor. Compassion does not exist for the poor. The powerful ones of the land mortally hate the hungry mothers and the poor wretches that labor. The big gentlemen mortally hate the sorry fellow who dares to compete with them.

It is necessary to begin to look for a remedy to this problem. It is urgent to achieve the right to work. There is strength in numbers. Just like very well organized trade unions of different classes exist and wonderful labor unions, that way also these poor mothers and these poor wretches that do not have money to rent stalls in the markets should unionize themselves, educating amongst their labor unions, paying defense lawyers and initiating the patient fight for their right, for the right to work. A fight without violence get underway, without any struggle with evil means. If evil resists the evil, this brings in more force. Violence only leads the people to failure. It is necessary to fight patiently and with intelligence. The unions of hawkers can make hunger strikes in public and in large groups. Sit-down strikes, silent, pacific parades of protests without shouts of any type nor violence of any nature.

All these poor mother, all these poor peasants after they join up, organize and unionize, will constitute a powerful army and the ones presently powerful in the land will shake in fear before them.

It is our task to make propaganda for these poor people in order to organize them for the battle.

Working is not a crime. The right to work is an upright and legitimate right of the human being.


I travelled as a pedestrian through the streets of a great city. The people have gathered around somebody. I come closer in order to know what is happening. A poor woman cries and asks for a little compassion with supreme pain to the policeman that has caught her sorry fellow. The sorry fellow has committed the crime of working and Mr. policeman does not forgive that, the poor person was selling fruits and groceries on the street to win some few coins, that’s it.

The powerful men of this land themselves do not forgive it. Some pitiful wives beg the policeman for the sake of the sorry fellow but everything comes to nothing.

All of a sudden he stops a police car and the sorry fellow in spite of his requests and tears is dragged by force inside the car and led to the jail, the poor person had not committed another crime but the one of working for his daily bread. This age saw it as crime and the rulers did not absolve it themselves either.

A Sadist

In a great city of the world we saw poor aged fellows and poor women of the town fleeing terrorized through the tortuous streets. These sorry fellows were so utterly poor that to live honestly they dedicated themselves to selling candy, groceries of every shade and hue, etc., The poor were chased for the crime of working. An undernourished and hungry girl was present in the door of a temple selling whatever she could to live, the unhappy creature got hit by a car driven by the cops and deprived of her merchandise.

A boy wandered about the streets selling candy, the cops attacked him the same as a bandit and took away his candy, the sorry fellow fled.

We knew that great city of the western world, we watched her.

The MAYOR of the aforementioned city was a mighty Absolute lord and master, in feudal style. The poor feared him, the rich needed him, the politicians polished apples for him because he made and he took away presidents, he was the master of politics.

They said a lot of things to themselves about that powerful gentleman: his orgies, prepared with decadent wastefulness, wines, women, gold and lust, were spoken of between the people.

The servants of that one were many times frightened by GRAND gentleman, seeing the beautiful ones involved in the orgy bathed in blood; Nobody was saying anything, nobody protested in front of the blood and horror, the police quivered and held their tongue. Nobody dared to protest.

That one, the great gentleman,was a sadist that beat the beautiful ones to take pleasure in the orgy. That city was governed by a sadistic mayor, everywhere the pain and the crying, women bathed in blood for the crime of being beautiful, old people, children, poor persons, family men, humble women of the town stripped of their groceries or of their goods, fleeing frightened along the roads of the luxurious city. What else could be in a city governed by a sadist?.

That one Mr Rich Person, this politician, made the town bleed, and they all shuddered at him.

One becomes full of horror when he sees the gendarmes keeping a sadist’s orders.

This city is over here, in the Iron Curtain in the Europe that is said to be civilized, in the world that one says is ‘free’.

There is no doubt that in America cities and mayors are also that way.

All this makes us think about the need to use the weapons of the intelligence to dethrone the tyrants. The best way of finishing with those tyrants is not cooperating with them. Not to obey them, not to support them, not to play up to them.

When a tyrant is very powerful he becomes unbearable, the people are really who give the power to the tyrants, only the people can take the power away from the tyrants. It proves to be easy to unseat a tyrant when all the trade unions of the workers are united. This is difficult because bosses always try to divide the workers into competing factions to be able to exploit them, divide and you will rule the British say.

Workers should join together to defend themselves, workers should create their own political program.

The workers should get organized. The workers should study. It is absurd to support a sadist in power. It is stupid to cooperate with the tyrants. The only one that can take away the power from the tyrants is the people. That is not the road of liberation. We can only unseat the tyrants by means of intelligence. There is no tyrant that can resist a total strike of all the labor unions. The total strike is the workers’ most terrible weapon.


We have read a story in a newspaper which we will now transcribe. It is a drama of six abandoned children. Their mothers were peddler in the street, which the powerful ones of the land would not condone. The pain of those abandoned creatures would not be possible to describe in words.

“Their impotence, their bewilderment, and the uncontained crying of their eyes, they marked a dramatic wince of anguish in dark-colored and dirty faces of six little children that perhaps just lately this afternoon were coming face to face for the first time with the tragedy of their miserable lives.

“Moments before, in front of them, six angry inspectors of regulations from the department of the district, with great abundance of force, with excessive violence, arrested their mothers and took them away in some jeeps, while some of them also confiscated two baskets with groceries, did not give them to the women and threw what those countrywomen brought to clandestinely sell here into the sewers.

“The inspectors took away Sabina Morales de Sánchez, her sister Ignacia Morales and Victoriana Cruz de Rubio , and put them in prison.

“They shouted and cried in vain, but the inspectors were firm, and in such a way they went to jail and their children were abandoned on the public road, and as if resigned to their luck, or perhaps with the hope that their mothers would return, they sat down to wait by the doorposts of a nearby building.

“Celerina Sánchez, seven years old, in whose arms was sleeping his little sister Francisca, two years old, and beside them his brother Alberto, four years old, the children of Sabina Morales de Sánchez. Pedro Rubio Cruz, six years old, who held in his arms his little sister Rosa, scarcley a year and a half old, children of Victoriana Cruz de Rubio; as well as Faustino and Victoria Morales, four and five years old respectively, Ignacia Morales’ children.

“Other tradespeople who set up in that street, close to a bus terminal, assure that the three peasant women come each Sunday to sell their groceries. The older ones seem to confirm it too.

“The inspectors of regulations in the gray jeeps certainly kept their duty (with the virtue of duty a great deal can be damaged).

“In cruel and inhuman manner, they left those little children abandoned on the public road, children that had not tasted food for fifteen hours, and they could make no presumption about their future or immediate fortune. Half a hour later, following calls from the public, a pickup truck went to the place with police, who had the order of picking up the children and taking them to their mothers.

“This time the children faced a cruel experience, when the eldest, Celerina Sánchez and Pedro Rubio, suspected that they also were going to be taken into prison.

“Knowing nothing of the intentions of those policemen, all burst into tears, then thanks to a lot of witnesses’ words of advice, the children agreed to go in the police car.

“The three mothers were conducted to the jail where fines of thousand five hundred pesos each were imposed upon them which it is natural they will not be able to pay”…

Thus finishes the aforementioned newspaper article.

That is the way that the powerful ones of the capital city treat the children of the people. Pity does not exist for anybody because the the capital city is cruel and merciless.

What horrifies even more is the heart of stone of those regulations inspectors. Treating the unfortunate hardworking street pedlars like beasts unworthy of compassion.

It is dreadful to think that the salaried tormentors, whose work involves precisely to torment the unfortunate working people, still exist in the world. It is incredible that in life there are still such irresponsible beings.

The worst thing about it is that the job does not last for the whole life, and they get out of the job after having filled the world with pain.

Those salaried executioners do not want to take account that their victims are their brothers, and the blood that flows in their veins flows also in their victims’ veins.

We are filled with horror in the presence of so much infamy. The ones that cannot pay for a stall in the public markets are persecuted, but they flatter and butter up the powerful gentlemen that steal millions of pesos from the people.

In this way the capitalists fertilize the soil and prepare it in order that in it the filthy flower of Communism can germinate.

The powerful created the monster of Communism. If the Latin American governments continue paying salaried executioners to torment the people then Latin America will finish up being devoured by the Soviets.

Samael Aun Weor

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