Sexual Transmutation for Single People

Yoga signifies ‘Union with God’. No one can achieve the union with the Beloved One unless the Kundalini has previously been awakened. No living being can awake the positive powers of Kundalini unless supreme chastity has been reached. It is indispensable that we wash our feet with the waters of renunciation.

“Strive to enter in at the straight gale for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.”

(Luke: 13: 24)

It is urgent to know that the straight, narrow and difficult door is sex. We departed from Eden through the door of sex, and only through this door may we re-enter into Eden. Eden is sex itself. No one can enter Eden through false doors. We must enter through the doors from which we departed. This is the law.

The students of occultism who, for one reason or another, cannot practice with the Arcanum A.Z.F. must know the science of sexual transmutation in depth.

There exists a secret key, and with its help the single devotees can open the Ark of Science.


First position:

The devotee of the path must imitate the position of the toad while situated on the floor.

Second Position:

The devotees must lie down on their back, on the bed or on the floor, with their trunk or midsection elevated higher than the head. They must then inhale and inflate their lungs as if they were an angry toad.

Mental attitude of the First Position:

With willpower and imagination united in vibrating harmony, the Gnostic student must identify himself with a toad that is within a rivulet of the pure waters of life. He must also join his willpower and imagination in order to make his sexual energy rise from his sexual organs to the sacred chalice of the brain.

The Gnostic student must raise his seminal energy through the two sympathetic cords that are entwined around the spinal medulla. They form the famous Caduceus of Mercury.

Mental attitude of the Second Position:

With willpower, and imagination united in vibrating harmony, the Gnostic student must inflate himself as the toad does. This is possible only with a deep breath. During the inhalation of the vital air, we must imagine that the seminal energy is ascending through the two sympathetic cords, that are marvelously entwined around the spinal medulla.

The marvelous seminal energy must be directed towards the brain, then directed towards the heart. We must then exhale the vital air, placing the energy in the temple of the heart.

Our motto is Thelema (willpower).

Mantra of this practice

Imitate the song of the toad. The mysterious croak of the toad is the song, it is the mantra.

Origin of this practice

The Divine Cosmic Mother gave this marvelous key of the Ark of Science to the Gnostic brethren.

The Divine Mother cares for all of her children. The toad that is upon the immaculate lotus flower, within the pure waters of life, is an archaic sexual symbol of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

Samael Aun Weor

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