Jinn Phenomena

1.- In the times of the Mexican revolution, the following event happened to a relative:

It so happened that in a battle of the state of Sonora, they got lost in the desert, he and a friend. After several days of walking, without having water or food, his friend died, and upon falling the night he buried him, remaining alone amid the immense desert. After walking for nearly an hour, from the place where he had buried his friend, he went to sleep tired, but the following day his surprise was very big, upon seeing at his side the cadaver of his friend, full of sand.

Without being able to understand this phenomenon, he gave his friend again a Christian burial. He continued walking during the day, and upon falling the night he slept again and again he awoke the following day, with the cadaver at his side.  The  same thing happened during three occasions. At the third day, he prayed deeply to God so that such phenomenon did not happen again, and that last day he began to find something to eat, until he arrived at a village; frightened, he narrated such event, half dead from thirst and of hunger.

Could you be so kind, Master and give us an explanation in this respect?

R.- With much pleasure I am going to give an answer to the question of the gentleman. Outside of all doubt, we could classify such phenomenon as a fact of the Fourth Dimension. Clearly, the Energetic Personality as well as the “Psychological Ego” of the deceased one, entered inside the cadaver, taking it out of the sepulchral grave by means of  the agent of the Fourth Dimension, of the Fourth Coordinate, of the Fourth Vertical.

I knew about a similar case, related to an authentic sorcerer, of those that know how to put their physical body in the Fourth Dimension. After having been buried, he was found over and over again, put to bed in dorsal decubitus, on the stone of his tomb. It is obvious that, in each case, the gravedigger returned again to put the body inside his grave, but it always repeated the same actions.

Any of those many days in which the gravedigger repeated his aforesaid  work, he had  an instant of negligence that was enough so that that body disappeared definitively, without leaving any vestige. It is unquestionable that the sorcerer was very well disciplined, a strange character that, in life, had emphasized many times in groups of friends, that he would escape from the sepulcher, with body and everything, after having been buried.

He kept his word, it is clear, and this is certainly prodigious. But this is not to be confused with vampirism. It is clear that the vampires also escape from the sepulcher in order to make misdeeds and suck the blood of the live people, but they always return to their original starting point.

Remember, gentlemen, the authentic case of Count Dracula. He actually lived in Russia; he was the mayor of a town. He was married, but he hated his wife, and constantly whipped her.

After his death, Count Dracula escaped from the sepulcher and came home in order to repeat the same beatings, those that so much bitterness gave the unhappy woman. The poor lady, very exasperated, put the case in the knowledge of the civil and religious authorities of their time, causing, as it is natural, general stupor.

Traditions say that several established bishops and clergymen, crucifix in hand and with many rosaries and blessed water, resolved to intercept violently the passage of the  twisted and dark carriage that always left the vault transporting Count Dracula.

The clergymen jumped on the bridge, trying to stop the twisted and prophetic funeral night carriage.

Undoubtedly, all this was for nothing: the carriage of the Count ran over those frightened religious people. As many know, the authorities resolved to open that sepulcher. Huge was their astonishment, upon finding the coffin full of blood; inside such mortuary box lay the cadaver of the Count Dracula, completely conserved. It is obvious that he fed of human blood; that is known by the traditions, and very few people do not know it. .

The feet of the cadaver were full of mud, what indicated entirely the concrete fact that the dead person escaped, in fact, in the high hours of the night. All this was finished when a stake was nailed in his heart.

With all these stories and explanations, in no way I want to affirm that all the Jinn states, or tetra-dimensional phenomena, are of dark character.

It is good that you, my friends, know that there exist White Jinn and Black Jinn.

Undoubtedly, the powers of the Light and of the Darkness, they mutually engage in combat.

It is appropriate to say now, that there are people that know how to leave the physical body at will, as we have taught previously. Fellows exist that outside of their physical body could invoke or call their body, even in the case of already being very far from it.

For the further understanding of my readers, I will explain this in other words. Think, for a moment, that you are in the chamber where you normally go to sleep. Imagine that your Soul has been transported, suddenly, to the most central part of the town or city where you live.

Unquestionably, that Soul is already far from the body, because the body is on the bed and the Soul has traveled toward downtown. And although you may find this impossible, the Soul would be able to, from the center of the city where you are, call the body that, sleeping, remained in bed.

What I am saying will seem to you strange; it will seem impossible to you that such a body comes at your calling, that he would leave his bed, leave also his home, and that walking slowly, just happened to meet his Soul, that at those instants awaits anxiously for him downtown.

You could respond that only a very friendly dog, left at home, could go searching for  you. You will find something unusual in the news that a body could go in search of his Soul, but that is so, do not be surprised. I understand that you do not know any of this, and for that reason you find such account something unusual and even impossible.

In order to illustrate better what I mean, I am going to relate to you a very interesting case.

In certain occasion, I was supposed to leave the Physical Body at will. It is clear that I know how to Unfold and therefore, this is not a problem for me.

I went to the Secret Order of the Tibet, this congregation has its Monastery in the Fourth Dimension.

There I was busy in occult work, together with other brothers of the Order. But it happened that the Physical Body, that I had left sleeping in bed here in the capital city of Mexico, D. F., as it had been asleep for many hours, had drained his state of deep sleep  in a very natural form, becoming awake. However, I could not return to the Physical Body because in no way I wanted to interrupt my work in the monastery. I was very busy; I continued to keep myself there in the Tibet by means of willpower, because it is obvious that the awaken body attracts the Soul.

That situation I found a little embarrassing, because it didn’t stop interfering with my activities inside the monastery, and I didn’t have left any other remedy than to  concentrate in my Mother Nature and beg Her to take out my physical body, that lay in Mexico, and bring it to me to the Secret Order of the Tibet.

My Mother consented to my request, taking out the physical body from the bed and putting it inside the Fourth Dimension, transporting it for me to the monastery of the Tibet.

monastery in Tibet

In those instants, in my Astral Body I was chatting with other Brothers of the Order, when I began to feel a strange pressure on my shoulders. This was for me the sign that my physical body approached, and certainly, so it was.

Such experiment I performed with the purpose of not being hindered in my occult work while working in the Distant East.

Who learns how to Unfold at will, can carry out this experiment by himself: going away of their physical body and then invoking it, from any place where you will be.

Mother Nature always helps us, when we really know how to love her.

Samael Aun Weor

2.- Master, doesn’t it exist a prayer in order to call our Mother Nature, when are we in the Astral so that she bring us the Physical Body to the place where we were in those instants in a disembodied form? Could you teach it to us?

R.- With much pleasure I am going to teach you, now, a beautiful magical invocation, so that with it you could call your Divine Mother, who will take charge of taking for you  the body to the place where you are in a disembodied state:

“I Believe in God,

I believe in my Mother Nature, I believe in White Magic.

Mother of mine: bring me my body!”

(This invocation is to be repeated thousands of times).

When you feel a certain pressure on the shoulders, it is because the physical body is already approaching, it already comes, and when you see it, order it in imperative form, to penetrate inside you. You could be sure that the body will float in the Fourth Dimension and that it will penetrate inside you by the superior part of your psychic, astral or sidereal, head. Already in possession of your body, floating in the magic atmosphere  of the Fourth Dimension, you could transport yourself to any place of the world, either to the Tibet, or to the sacred temples from Egypt, India, etc.

3.- Is it  possible to return at will, with the body, Master?

R.- A law in the World of the Fourth Dimension exists, and it is that all things return to their original starting point. Many Jinn people spend a whole night far from their house, with body of flesh and bone, and floating in the atmosphere, they return to their home when the dawn is appearing, when it is already dawning. The interesting aspect of the case is that, upon returning to his bed, the body remains again in the same position that it had before getting up.

In certain occasion, upon leaving my house with the physical body inside the Fourth Dimension, I had to open the door in order to go out to the street. Normally, it should have remained tightly closed, but as an exceptional case, such door remained open, I have not still understood the reason. In another occasion, I took out from one house a flowerpot in which there was a beautiful plant. The flowerpot returned, by itself, to the original starting point.

I want you to be practical my friends; I want you to be able to become Jinn people, I  want you to be true occultists, not simple theorizers.

4.- With the story that you have just given us, Master, a doubt with regard to the Jinn State has arisen in me. I have read and heard that whole towns of the Fourth Dimension appeared in the forests in Ireland, being made visible and tangible for the lumberjacks and hunters of these forests.

In other words, I would like to say that a magnificent coexistence existed, between the residents of those places and the beings of mystery. Could you explain to me what is the meaning of all this, Master? Mainly, I am interested in knowing how they could pass so easily from the Fourth to the Third, and vice versa. I would like an explanation of this phenomenon.

R.- My friends, in Lemuria, people lived normally in the Fourth Dimension. For that reason it is said that Adam and Eva lived in the Earthly Paradise. When humanity surrendered to fornication, when the animal passions were loosened, the human beings left Paradise, they abandoned the Fourth Vertical.

However, it is good to know that the powers in order to pass from one dimension to another, from the Third to the Fourth, or vice versa, are latent in all human beings and they could indeed show, be made active, be it in an sporadic or a permanent form.

The Jinn people mentioned by you, in Ireland, as well as in other places of the world, have those active powers, they could pass from a dimension to another at will and effortlessly.

But, it is obvious that while the simpler is the person, while the less complicated has the mind, he could carry out such marvels in an easier manner.

It is appropriate, now, to remember the famous Nontrabada Island, which was visible in other times by humanity. The traditions tell us that that Island was exorcised by a religious person, that it was mistakenly considered as a “thing of the devil.” The Nontrabada (or Hidden island), has not been seen again by humans since the XVIII century up to now, due to the aggressive skepticism that from that time infected the whole atmosphere of the Earth, damaging the psychic senses of humanity. However such island exists, although it remains invisible for our contemporaries, that don’t know neither understand these things.

Samael Aun Weor

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